Welcome to salsapictures.com ! You're about to discover the Salsa scene of central Europe.
At the bottom navigation bar You´ll find the clubs in alphabetical order of their towns in Germany,
Austria and a few other countries (or click here for the club lists of Germany:
A to G, H to P and
Q to Z, Austria
and the worldwide club list).
Salsa dancing in Germany: © salsatecas.de
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Do You want to see the salsa dancing pictures ? Below these lines You find
a selection of salsa dancing pictures. More of them, the entire number
You can access through the club address lists (A to G, H
to P, Q to Z and the Austrian Club list).
See the selection of the entire list following; Photos from:
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Pictures: the Salsa Clubs of Austria |
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Photographies: the Salsa-scene in Germany |
Photographies: Clubs in other countries |
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You agree to indemnify and hold salsa.at & salsatecas.de and partners
harmless from any claim or demand.
-> Disclaimer
Times and places scheduled may change. No information obtained by this service shall create any warranty.
Design/copyright 1998-2001 by salsapictures.com / salsa.at, Austria
& salsatecas.de, Germany. All Rights Reserved.
Links - if this server is offline: this stuff You will totally or partially find on these mirror sites / similar sites:
Pictures of Salsa dance Clubs / weitere Bilder und Adressen von Salsa-Clubs unter:
www.radio101.de/salsa: Chrissies Salsa Pages bzw.
www.salsatecas.de: Chrissies Salsa Pages bzw.
www.radio101.de/tanzen: dancing pictures,
salsa1.de: Salsa in Germany
salsapictures.com: Salsa Clubs in Austria, Germany and worldwide
and salsa.at: Chrissies Salsa-Site
( = www.salsa.at: Chrissies Salsa-Site, all these pages should be available with and without "www.")
zzz.at, Chrissies Linklist