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thats how our stickers look like. 
You´ll get four stickers for sending us TWO U.S.-Dollars (mail Adress below)

former address: Radio 101 int., B-4851 Gemmenich, Belgium      

The Story of Radio 101
our guestbook

You want some RADIO 101-
Stickers ? No Problem: Mail 2 US-$ to: RADIO 101 int., c/o Chris Moll, Pontstrasse 127, D-52062 Aachen
and You´ll get 4 stickers (no cheques - allow us 14 days for delivery)

display RADIO 101 is a non-commercial international project (transmitter sites in different European countries, mail address in Belgium, editorial and studios in Germany and Austria), run by radio-enthusiastic freaks. RADIO 101 was founded 1981 , using VHF-FM, focus on rock and oldies.

Because of sometimes very good conditions on 25-30 MHz range we decided to use that frequency band for short wave transmissions in Europe.

The 27 MHz-band was chosen, because there no special reception equipment is necessary, a simple CB-rig and a piece of wire is enough to receive RADIO 101. Just switch to channel 7 and wait. Especially in summer time chances are not too bad (in winter time the signal will be heard quite rarely).

J.B. und Chris at Radio Euro, Hauset (Belgium)

Photo: J.B. and Chris at RADIO EURO (Hauset, Belgium, ca.1988) (Spot 3: Sound of the Seventies)

The reception area is (depending on the DX-conditions) central Europe, sometimes on the air a bit more. In the meantime the transmitter equipment is working fully automatically. Transmission starts automatically as soon as DX-conditions become evident, so it can be used as a beacon, as a DX-indicator.

Transmitter 1 Power-amp Pictures show a mini 5 W FM-TX / inside a 100 Watts power-Amp
You can read more about the former years of RADIO 101 on VHF FM on the page the (hi)story of RADIO 101".


Jingles Here some Radio 101 jingles in real-audio 3.0 format (28k8 - mono). Audio files not to be listened live - first download the desired audio file (*.ra).

Jingles (60k, 30s) Promo (110k, 54s) Trailer (83k, 42s) Gag (41k, 20s)


And if you don´t have installed real-audio, no problem:
here are some ordinary wave-files for download. They can be played on ANY computer with a sound card installed:



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